“Come Holy Spirit, into my mind and my heart as I read these Sacred Scriptures. Inspire me with your grace to proclaim this Living Word with sincerity and reverence. Help me to focus on the Word and discern its meaning so that I can communicate it clearly and enthusiastically. Each time I approach the Ambo, remind me that I am on holy ground and that the Ministry of proclaiming the Scriptures is a sacred trust. I place all my trust in you, that through your power, the people of God will hear and accept the Word into their hearts”
This simple prayer for Lectors, describes the focus and challenge before each Lector Minister. Being a Lector is more than just being a good reader. Our focus is centered on the spirituality of proclaiming Gods Word and in service to his people.
Vatican II has this to say about the lector/ reader:
“Readers exercise a genuine liturgical function. They ought to discharge their office therefore, with the sincere devotion and decorum by so exalted a ministry and rightly expected of them by God’s people. Consequently, they must be deeply imbued with the spirit of liturgy, in the measure of proper to each one. And they must be trained to perform functions in a correct and orderly manner”