At least one parent must give consent for the baptism. The parents must have a personal commitment to helping their child grow spiritually within the Catholic community. Parents as well as Godparents, are required to attend pre-baptismal classes. Parents are to be registered, participating members of the St. Joseph parish community. It is customary to have two godparents for each child, one male and one female. The godparent must be at least 16 years of age and have been confirmed, received First Communion and lead a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken. The godparent may not be the father or the mother of the one to be baptized. If the godparents are not registered members of the St. Joseph parish community, they will need to have:
- A letter of recommendation from their parish priest confirming that they are active members of their parish, and have attended the baptismal instructions or,
- Have the letter from their pastor and attend all the instructions here at St. Joseph.
All paperwork including a copy of the child’s birth certificate must be turned in to the parish office at least 2 weeks prior to the Baptism date. The date of the Baptism cannot be confirmed until all requirements have been completed.
(Children 7 years old or older)