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From our Worthy Grand Knight

Hello, Catholic Ladies and Gentlemen of Council 16255,
I am Dennis Tremethick, elected to be your new Grand Knight for Council, 16255, St. Joseph the Protector, and a sinner. I’m a sinner, so I need the love and salvific presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the center of my life. I hope you do too. My beautiful wife, Edita (Edith) Tremethick, and I will be married for 35 years in October this year. We are celebrating our 29th Year of Sacramental Marriage this month in July. We have an adult son, Neil, who serves full-time in the California National Guard. Both are from the Philippines. We adopted our son when he was ten (10) years old. Edith and I work full-time for the U.S. Federal Government. I’m an Army veteran who retired from the service in 2004 after 23 years active duty of service. Together we’ve seen most U.S. states, lived overseas for 12 years, and served in places most people will never see. 1994 became a banner year; the Catholic Church accepted me into Full Communion after completing the Rite Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program in Monterey, CA. Edith and I celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony. We began ministry in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, starting with membership in the Knights of Columbus. Since then, we’ve moved from place to place, but the common denominator was the Catholic Community. In every place, like Frankfurt, Germany, Moscow, Russia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, and even Vacaville, California, the Catholic communities offered a loving environment to help us flourish. The Parish members became our family, as our biological families were several thousand miles away. That tradition continues at St. Joseph Parish. Edith and I work as a team in ministry. You will see a lot of her in our meetings and events. The Knights are near and dear to our hearts. We’ll humbly endeavor to do our best in the position of Grand Knight. When given responsibility, it is taken it seriously. We did not seek nor desire to be Grand Knight. But as of July 1st, 2023, we humbly accept that responsibility. Let us outline three major focus areas for the Council in Columbian Year 2023-2024 and give you a glimpse into our hearts and minds. The first and most important focus area must be on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Catholic Faith. We direct the RCIA at St. Joseph, a full-time job. We accept folks
who wish to obtain the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Communion, and/or Confirmation every year. Ushers with Collection.
I am Dennis Tremethick, elected to be your new Grand Knight for Council, 16255, St. Joseph the Protector, and a sinner. I’m a sinner, so I need the love and salvific presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the center of my life. I hope you do too. My beautiful wife, Edita (Edith) Tremethick, and I will be married for 35 years in October this year. We are celebrating our 29th Year of Sacramental Marriage this month in July. We have an adult son, Neil, who serves full-time in the California National Guard. Both are from the Philippines. We adopted our son when he was ten (10) years old. Edith and I work full-time for the U.S. Federal Government. I’m an Army veteran who retired from the service in 2004 after 23 years active duty of service. Together we’ve seen most U.S. states, lived overseas for 12 years, and served in places most people will never see. 1994 became a banner year; the Catholic Church accepted me into Full Communion after completing the Rite Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program in Monterey, CA. Edith and I celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony. We began ministry in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, starting with membership in the Knights of Columbus. Since then, we’ve moved from place to place, but the common denominator was the Catholic Community. In every place, like Frankfurt, Germany, Moscow, Russia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, and even Vacaville, California, the Catholic communities offered a loving environment to help us flourish. The Parish members became our family, as our biological families were several thousand miles away. That tradition continues at St. Joseph Parish. Edith and I work as a team in ministry. You will see a lot of her in our meetings and events. The Knights are near and dear to our hearts. We’ll humbly endeavor to do our best in the position of Grand Knight. When given responsibility, it is taken it seriously. We did not seek nor desire to be Grand Knight. But as of July 1st, 2023, we humbly accept that responsibility. Let us outline three major focus areas for the Council in Columbian Year 2023-2024 and give you a glimpse into our hearts and minds. The first and most important focus area must be on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Catholic Faith. We direct the RCIA at St. Joseph, a full-time job. We accept folks
who wish to obtain the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Communion, and/or Confirmation every year. Ushers with Collection.
We teach them the Catholic Faith and the meaning of the Church’s teachings, show them how to live the Catholic way of life, and invite them to participate in His Glory. Edith and I pray the Rosary together daily and attend Eucharistic Adoration at St. Joseph each Friday at six (6) PM. We serve as Eucharistic Ministers at the noon Mass on Sunday, and I help out the Ushers with Collection. Let’s allow Christ into our hearts and welcome him into our lives. This single action will spark an authentic joy as it transforms our hearts. The Church calls this process Metanoia. Once transformed, we’ll be open to serving God’s people as He desires, not as we feel like. We become servant leaders where the labor will be easy, and the yoke of our Knightly responsibilities becomes light. The second focus area is serving the St. Joseph Parish. Edith and I registered with St. Joseph Parish. We attend Mass there as our home Parish and help St. Joseph with our time, talent, and treasure. I expect each Knight in our Council to do no less. We serve our Pastor and our parishioners. That’s in every book on leadership I’ve read from the Knights of Columbus. Let’s attend Mass and other Church functions wearing your Knights of Columbus (KofC) name badge. Show that the Knights are present and ready to help when we can. Attend special teachings, like Brother Jay’s upcoming Virtues Workshop, Advent and Lenten Retreats, and special Masses. Go to Confession, volunteer in other Parish Ministries, and attend Eucharistic Adoration. This way, we grow spiritually and strengthen our relationship with the Lord. The third focus area we will continue to support Parish and Council events and obtain Star Council in the next Columbian Year. We’re already an Exemplification away of completing our recruiting goal for the year, so we can double or triple that. We’ll take action in the KofC Faith in Action (FAI) areas – Faith, Family, Community, and Pro-Life. The Council Officers, Directors, and Chairmen are new to their positions. But each is a good Catholic gentleman who will give their best effort. Each Chairman/Director for the correspondent FAI categories and other committees is excited and interested in preparing some great events this year.
We’ll support Notre Dame School events, run the Oktoberfest, support the Parish in Eucharistic Processions, and so much more! Next Year is St. Joseph’s 20th Anniversary of the Church building opening. We’ll ensure that the Knights can support much of the celebration planned for 2024. We understand we are getting older. As of today, it’s my 61 ½ birthday. I can’t run as fast as I did at 25, lift as much as I could at 35, or have as much endurance as I did at 45, but I still help out as best I can. I humbly ask the same of you. We can do great things when we work as a team under God’s protection. As a person, I am very proactive, anticipate upcoming needs, and take action to ensure readiness. You don’t have to tell me twice. I love proactivity and keeping ahead of the
game. If anyone needs help, please tell me, and I’ll do what I can. I’ll accept your help with great appreciation. Your Knightly service to our Lord, Parish, and Community will not go unrecognized. Great will be your reward in Heaven, and we’ll distinguish you here on earth with nominations for State KofC Awards.
Although I may not always look it, I go through each day with joy in my heart. I understand my Faith very well. Before every action, I think, “Will this glorify the Lord?” We are creatures made in the likeness of our Creator. It’s not about ‘what I want to do’; it’s about how to glorify the Lord. I take challenges as they present themselves, appreciate people for doing a good job, and thank the Lord every day with gratitude for the good things given to us on that day. The new Columbian Year starts today, July 1st, and will be a great year of serving our Lord Jesus Christ. VIVAT JESUS!
game. If anyone needs help, please tell me, and I’ll do what I can. I’ll accept your help with great appreciation. Your Knightly service to our Lord, Parish, and Community will not go unrecognized. Great will be your reward in Heaven, and we’ll distinguish you here on earth with nominations for State KofC Awards.
Although I may not always look it, I go through each day with joy in my heart. I understand my Faith very well. Before every action, I think, “Will this glorify the Lord?” We are creatures made in the likeness of our Creator. It’s not about ‘what I want to do’; it’s about how to glorify the Lord. I take challenges as they present themselves, appreciate people for doing a good job, and thank the Lord every day with gratitude for the good things given to us on that day. The new Columbian Year starts today, July 1st, and will be a great year of serving our Lord Jesus Christ. VIVAT JESUS!

District Deputy Corner

Brothers and Families,
Thanks to all of you for helping your Councils, according to the state Council, “finish strong”. They are always encouraging us to increase membership to the highest level possible. It’s all about California achieving the Supreme Circle of Honor. This status gives California a seat at the Supreme Board of Directors. So yes, membership helps grow our order and improves our State’s input to Supreme. However, what is most important to me as your DD is that I can honestly tell the Chapter and State that every Council in District 15 effectively served their Pastor and Parish. Our presence was pervasive in every aspect of Parish activity. Supporting ministries by raising money, setting up their event and, in many cases being a part of, or serving in a Ministry. I personally know
that every Pastor is very pleased with our service programs. Finally, I could not wish for more than that we continue evangelizing by our example of service and defending our Faith by working with our Pastor. I look forward to being there to support you in any way that you may need me. On behalf of our new State Deputy Brother Greg Marracq and Chapter President Ricardo Saldana, I thank you for showing our Pastor and Community that the Knights can always be counted on to serve.
that every Pastor is very pleased with our service programs. Finally, I could not wish for more than that we continue evangelizing by our example of service and defending our Faith by working with our Pastor. I look forward to being there to support you in any way that you may need me. On behalf of our new State Deputy Brother Greg Marracq and Chapter President Ricardo Saldana, I thank you for showing our Pastor and Community that the Knights can always be counted on to serve.
Brother George Bagley
Brother George Bagley