Our Parish now has access to the website FORMED.ORG which is a streaming platform for religious learning resources that can be used at home.   From movies for young children, sacramental resources, bible studies, to family movies.  Formed provides you with many different ways of enriching your faith at home.  St. Joseph Parish offers to you all this resources for free in gratitude for all that you as parishioners.   
To register is simple. Go to FORMED.ORG and click on sign up. There will be different options for you to select from but simply click “I Belong to a Parish/Organization.” Once you have completed that you search for St. Joseph Catholic Church in Vacaville and select the parish. Then you input your information and Formed will send you an email that will direct you back to Formed to use all of their online resources.    If you are already registered click here to Sign in – FORMED
You can also register by clicking on the link/photo below…
  “I Belong to a Parish or Organization.”
Type and search for “St. Joseph Catholic Church in Vacaville”
TO REGISTER Click Below…
Enter your information and FORMED.ORG
will email you directly to use their
online resources.